upTrump — Making Crypto Great Again

3 min readMay 9, 2021

A new revolution in the crypto space designed to make you rich and make the Democrats hate again by getting Donald J. Trump back in the White House and putting conservative causes at the top of the agenda. How? By taxing a small portion of each transaction to a charity wallet which will be used to donate to the issues you, the American people care about the most.

Build the wall. Investigate election fraud. Primary RINOs. Re-elect the greatest President of modern times. The community will decide where the money goes.

The coin:

$upTrump is going to be huge. Very big. Billions and billions and billions of dollars. We have the best coin. Look at Sleepy Joe’s coin, nobody bought it. Joe doesn’t even remember launching it. “Where’d I put that contract address again?”

China Trade Deal:

I do the best deals. The Chinese will be begging us to sign a deal for bitcoin mining rigs. We are going to make crypto great again with the best bitcoins out there. Your favorite president will bring back mining. Did I mention buybacks? I’ll phone Jay at the Fed and I’ll say “hey Jay, it’s Donald, I’ve got some bitcoin here and I want to buy back upTrump tokens and he’ll say no problem.”
This is going to be bigly. Imagine those big green candles. Green like St Patrick's day. Did I mention I love the Irish?


Yeah, I know you don’t like taxes. Sleepy Joe and Kamel Toe will raise your taxes so high it will make you cry. That’s why my administration will lower taxes to 3% on every transaction and even better give it back to you, the upTrump people.

1% to holders, reflected instantly to your wallet.
1% to the liquidity pool. We’ll build a wall round it by locking it.
1% to Making America Great Again by supporting conservative causes and helping your favorite President get re-elected.

You will have so much money you won’t know what to do with it.


2Q — Pre-sale and launch
2Q — Marketing phase I
2Q — China trade Deal
2Q — Bring Back Mining
3Q — Marketing phase II
3Q — NFTs featuring your favorite president
3Q — Seek exchange listing
3Q — Moon Mission
4Q — Marketing phase III
4Q — Buy Greenland with BTC profits
4Q — Staking upTrump for BTC


10,000,000 maximum supply. No more can ever be printed (unlike Jay at the Fed).

Pre-sale: 67%

Liquidity: 24%

Marketing (initial) and Reserve: 3%

Team: 6%

Moon Mission:

We are going to the moon — — and then Mars. Wait ’til little Rocket Man sees the size of my missile!



We have the best people.

